
Course Memo

Learn to use body-based forms of prayer, reflection, and social analysis, both in-person and online. Learn new ministry skills like art-ivism and improvisational story-telling. Explore classic theological themes in new ways. The first four weeks are identical to LSFT-8300 “Embodied Prayer, Education, and Activism Online.” During the remaining nine weeks, we’ll cover additional Theatre of the Oppressed (“TO”) methods, and explore the links and tensions between TO and key theological concepts: performance/ritual; oppression/sin; liberation/salvation; etc. Finally, you’ll create a group “Forum Theatre” performance, which analyzes a social issue in the Bay Area by inviting audience members to come “on screen / on stage” and tackle the issue in different ways. Work includes: readings; in-class exercises; practicing facilitation; two 4-6 page reflection papers; and compiling a TO portfolio for your present or future ministry setting (brief introduction to TO; adapting two online rituals; and contextualizing eight TO exercises). Hybrid. Students who live locally will benefit greatly from attending in person; remote students and auditors can attend with instructor’s permission. All students are welcome; doctoral students with additional requirements. [Faculty Consent Required; 25 max enrollment; Auditors With Faculty Permission]