
Course Memo

In this doctoral seminar, students will develop advanced competence in research methods and critical approaches for the study of the New Testament and other early Christian literature. The Lukan travel narrative (9:51–19:27) will provide the base text for investigation. Class discussion and regular assignments will engage the Greek text of Luke as well as a wide range of other scholarly resources. In addition to practicing a range of New Testament research methods, students will hone their skills in academic writing throughout the semester. The major assessed outcome of the seminar will be a substantive article-length research paper. The class is designed primarily for ThM, STL, STD, and PhD students, but other students who meet the prerequisites are warmly welcome to participate. Prerequisites: (1) At least one year of ancient Greek. Class assignments will assume at least a low-intermediate command of the Greek language. (2) A good foundation in New Testament at the Master’s level. (Consult the professor if in doubt.) [Faculty Consent required; 12 max enrollment; Auditors With Faculty Permission]