
Course Memo

As the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion further take hold in the Church in the United States, there will be a greater need for competent intercultural leaders. As with many other examples of effective leadership, leaders of diversity-oriented ministries must practice, preach, and live what they believe about diversity, equity, and inclusion of all kinds of people in keeping with the mission of Christ. The good news about intercultural leadership competencies is that they, through missiological praxis—reflection, self-awareness, shared learning experiences, application, and reflection–are accessible. Therefore, the Leading Diversity-Oriented Ministries Program aims to broaden and strengthen the intercultural competencies of church planters, pastoral leaders, ministry leaders, and higher education professionals.
The program has the following objectives: (1) increase participants’ leadership capital; (2) equip them with knowledge, skills, tools, and experience; and (3) build capacity for their ministries to be diversity-oriented.