
Course Memo

United Methodist History, Doctrine, and Polity II is the second of two courses intended to provide a broad overview of the theology, history, and governance structures of The United Methodist Church and its predecessor bodies. In particular, this course focuses on the theological perspectives of the Methodist Movement in the United States following the death of Frances Asbury in 1816. Because this course is required for students seeking ordination in The United Methodist Church, it will further engage how the denomination and its predecessor bodies influenced histories of racism, colonialism, sexism, ableism, and heterosexism in the United States and beyond. Such engagement is critically important for adequate pastoral ministry that seeks to shape the denomination and its congregations in the ways of love and justice that characterize God's Reign. This course is fully designed to fulfill one half of the credits required for United Methodist students seeking ordination in the UMC. The course will incorporate a mixture of lectures and small group discussions, and students will be evaluated through short papers, a presentation, and a notebook project. [Auditors With Faculty Permission]