
Course Memo

This course will introduce students to a variety of Christian teachers and theologians and thereby, with their texts, provide students with a framework for the study of Christian faith in context, familiarity with major developments in theological inquiry, and a map for the diversity of sources and voices that speak particularly to the Christian experience of faith over centuries. Chronologically, the materials engaged range from the 3rd century Christian Creeds to the Enlightenment, concluding with the challenges presented in the post-Holocaust and Scientific revolutions reality. The focus in the study is theological, and the primary intent is to connect students with the Christian sources and hermeneutical explorations. Students are invited to orient towards a critical constructive look into their own faith traditions, historical or theological analysis, and/or methodological and source-critical issues. Meets Thursdays, 2:10 - 5:00 pm synchronously on Zoom. [20 max enrollment]