
Course Memo

This course will focus on The Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola in its historical, cultural and textual contexts. The Autobiography and the Official Directory of 1599 will support our close reading of the text of The Spiritual Exercises. We will attend to the limits of the adaptability of a classic spiritual text through raising the questions: Where were the women at the time Ignatius was composing the Spiritual Exercises? In the early years of their use? How can this text and process be adapted for today's women (and men)? For those in different ecclesial contexts? For those outside Western cultural contexts? Useful for those specializing in Ignatian Spirituality as well as for those seeking to gain deeper understanding of a spiritual classic that became the basis for the modern retreat movement. Experience of making the Spiritual Exercises in some form desired. Advanced students (that is, most students) will share teaching responsibilities. Learning strategies include reading, discussion, lecture, evaluating electronic sources, moodle-based discussions, class presentations, final paper. [20 max enrollment]