
Course Memo

What does it mean to form faith in an era when faith is not a given? How should we convene religious education at a time when institutions (religious and otherwise) are in decline? How do we critique and deconstruct an educational status quo that has too often accepted and reinforced forms of structural oppression? What liberating alternatives exist for learning and discipleship in a variety of institutional and community settings, in person and online? These are the questions we'll be exploring together as we encounter and experience modes and practices of Christian formation that honor agency and identity, foster collaborative leadership and participant co-creativity, and make space for authentic incarnations and enculturations of gospel values. This course is evaluated primarily through the creation of authentic artifacts such as personal narratives, educational resource reviews, and Christian formation program designs. Limited  to CDSP students. Class meets for the first half of Fall Semester, Sept. 3-Oct. 18. This is the first part of a two-course sequence; the second part will be offered in the first half of Spring Semester 2025, Feb. 3-March 21.