
Course Memo

The Senior Seminar is a required capstone course for students in the final year of study of the MDiv at PSR. As a capstone course, it brings together themes from the past years of study in the Stackable Curriculum. This course uses readings from one of the last publications the late Professor Katie Collins (Ph.D.) was involved with: The Oxford Handbook of African American Theology. The anthology is an invaluable resource for congregational and ministry leaders who will lead diverse communities of faith-seeking justice. Nevertheless, the volume, published in 2014, does not deal with digital environments such as ours. The course invites you to think constructively and critically about the assigned essays, the topics they raise, and their lack of reflection (through no fault of their own) on digital environments, in view of a pst-pandemic reality. Course is available for 1.5-3 units. [Auditors excluded]