
Course Memo

This course provides students with an introductory overview of Scripture, biblical exegesis, and biblical hermeneutics. The course briefly introduces students to each book of the Old and New Testaments, equips them with the tools for exegesis of individual passages of Scripture, and instructs them in guidelines for biblical interpretation within the Catholic tradition. Each portion of the course is undertaken with a view towards providing students with a foundation to understand and appreciate the riches of Scripture, and equipping them with tools and resources for studying the Bible over the rest of their lives. The course employs a lecture / discussion format, and evaluates student progress with quizzes (20%), reading notes (10%), midterm and final exam (25% each), and a mini-exegesis paper (20%). This course is open only to DSPT MAThEM students. It meets during the Summer MAThEM period. Having reviewed preparatory material, students meet for five days of intensive in-person course sessions (4.5 hours per day), with evening synchronous sessions (to be arranged) and asynchronous interactions during the following three weeks.