
Course Memo

The purpose of this course is to empower lay women and men to asume their important leadership of liturgical prayer in the life of the church and in its multiple cultural contexts, and to offer those who train lay ministers resources for guiding this fomration process. We will explore lay presiding as a ministry and as an art, as well as undersatndings of the priesthood of all the faithful from which this art/ ministry flows. Special focus will be given to the Lent-Easter cycle and to how it contextualizes and shapes the liturgies we will celebrate, both in-class and in the JST chapel. Students will take active ladership of four JST community liturgies (5:15 pm on Thursdays) and will explore, in class, a vriety of rites that might be used in the pastoral situations in which they will minister. Course intended for M.Div, MTS and ThM students.