
Course Memo

Drawing from Christian spirituality, arts, and religious education, this course provides an overview of the theory and practice of spiritual healing in human suffering. Course participants will investigate how religious education enables people to 1) discover the embodiment of the divine in their suffering and 2) experience God’s healing by taking part in Christian sacramental acts and contemplative arts therapies. The first part of the course consists of discussions, aiming to rethink the role of Christian religious education in the new normal era, on Christian theologies of human suffering and healing. In the second part of the course, several spiritual practices from particular religious traditions and art therapies will be suggested as a means for discovering new forms of spiritual healing in people’s daily lives. (Evaluation method: participation 20%, autobiographical writing 20%, presentation or project 20%, final research paper or practical project 40%/ Intended audience: MDiv, MA/MTS) * This course is taught by PhD student Hye Hyun Han with a Newhall Award, under the supervision of Dr. Kirsi Stjerna.