JOY (STPS-8450)


Course Memo

Jesus promises us "abundant life," a life that is full to overflowing, in John 10:10. He later says that the joy that is in him will also be n the disciples, and "their joy will be full" (John 15:11; 16:24). Similarly, Paul says that God promises to not only meet our dreams, but to exceed them, for we shall be "filled to the measure of all the fullness of God" (Eph. 3:19-20). What is the "joy" that is complete and full and overflowing? Is it the same as happiness, or different form it? This course looks at joy from four angles: The Jewish and Christian scriptures and traditions; the wisdom of the world's religions; philosophy; and contemporary neuro-psychology and its recent studies of happiness. Through these four approaches, we look at how five human traits create joy: Gratitude, humility, desire, forgiveness, and service. Through this study, we will be able to discern not only the difference between unhappiness and happiness, but also between happiness and the joy that is actually promised to us by Jesus. Class discussion of readings; short weekly papers; midterm and final papers. [9 max enrollment]