
Course Memo

Preaching brings the power of God’s Word to many types of pastoral situations in which God’s people could find hope, comfort, inspiration, and healing. This course is designed to enable students to understand and develop skills in preaching on special occasions such as baptism, wedding, funeral, Lent & Easter, Advent & Christmas, Pentecost, natural disasters, violence/ terrorism, and human sufferings. While looking into preaching around such occasions from theological, homiletical, and pastoral points of view, students will bring and share their own traditions and experiences with one another to expand their understanding and skills of preaching. Through this course, students should: (1) Have a basic procedure that moves one from the biblical text to a sermon based on the text for special occasions covered in the course. (2) Understand the complex elements that comprise the special occasions and deepen their theological perspectives. (3) Create and deliver their sermons in their ministry settings.