
Course Memo

This course provides students with a thematic, historical, and pastoral approach to the study of Christian Systematic Theology. Although the viewpoint of this course is from a primarily Roman Catholic perspective, Christians of other traditions are most heartily encouraged to participate and reflect from their own ecclesial contexts. We will examine major subdisciplines of theology in their historical developments and interrelations with each other: the theology of revelation, trinitarian theology, Christology, ecclesiology, and sacramental theology. The course introduces foundational theological concepts and terms, exposes students to some major theologians and theological styles, and situates the study of theology in the life and ministry of the Church. The course format consists of lectures by the instructor and discussion and reflection activities for the students. Students will be evaluated through short papers, class participation, a mid-term quiz, and a final exam. The course is designed as an introductory Foundational Course in Systematic Theology for the MDiv program at JST. Students beginning other degree programs within the GTU consortium, or who wish to review the major areas of Systematic Theology, will also benefit. STL, STD, and PhD students who would like to upgrade the course may do so, fulfilling all the basic requirements but replacing the mid-term and final exams with the following: an extended research paper with due attention to methodology, advanced theological content, and scope; an extended bibliography beyond the required readings; additional one-on-one meetings with the instructor for in-depth discussion of a book relevant to the course topic; responsibility for leading one of the scheduled class sessions on a topic related to the student's research. [25 max enrollment; Auditors with faculty permission]