
Course Memo

This synchronous, remote, entirely online course inculcates and develops the knowledge and methods of theological-aesthetics, that is, the task of perceiving the form of divine reconciliation showing forth in a broken world. Our context, which is non-exclusive and responsive to student interests, will be anti-black racism in the United States. The course begins with an analysis of Hans Urs von Balthasar's "cruciform" theological aesthetics as exemplified in sections of his *Glory of the Lord* series. In addition to reading selected articles and chapters on theological aesthetics and race, we will proceed to a reading of Andrew Prevot's *Thinking Prayer,* James Cone's *The Cross and the Lynching Tree* and other selections from James Cone. The course will follow a lecture/seminar format, with presentations by both instructor and students. Students will be evaluated on their presentations, some reflective writing, and a final paper of 20-25 pages, which can be either a thought paper or a research paper. For this advanced course, background coursework in at least two of the following areas will be presumed: fundamental theology, theological anthropology, Christology, and Trinitarian theology. The intended audience is students in the MDiv, MA/MTS, STL, or doctoral programs of their various GTU institutions.[14 max enrollment; Auditors with Faculty Permission]