
Course Memo

This course examines the work of several Anglican-identified theologians, treating a variety of themes and topics from their respective vantage points in their respective locales. This allows us to encounter various ways in which Anglican theologies are engaged theologies, theologies that challenge us to rethink how we imagine and interact with both church and world, and that provoke deep transformations in the lived life of faith. This is a seminar course focused primarily on close reading and discussion of texts. The requirements are active classroom participation, occasional seminar leadership, and a final presentation to the class on the work of a living Anglican theologian from any locale and who is not the author of any of the course texts, selected in consultation with the instructor. The course is appropriate for students in all degree programs and there are no prerequisites. Low-residence and fully online students are welcome to register and participate synchronously via Zoom by registering for ST 8229. [Auditors with Faculty Permission]