
Course Memo


This lecture course (designed for the MA/MDiv/MTS levels) will trace the modern development of the various "Quests of the Historical Jesus" (First, Second, Third), with particular emphasis on Edward Schillebeeckx' hermeneutical and theological principles and James Dunn's historical Christology, as well as on several other important "Third Quest" figures (Brown, Meier, Wright, Theissen, and Sanders). There will also be segment on the philosophical hermeneutics of Hans Georg Gadamer, and its application in the biblical hermeneutics of Sandra Schneiders. Requirements for the class are regular attendance, and 20 pages of writing (to be distributed over three essays assigned by the instructor). The prerequisite for the class is to have completed ST 2232 (Historical Development of Christology) or its equivalent (work assuring a fairly comprehensive knowledge of the Patristic/conciliar development of Christology from Ignatius of Antioch through Constantinople III, and of Aquinas' understanding of the hypostatic union in the framework of his metaphysics of "esse"). [ST 2232 or equivalent; Faculty Consent required; Auditors with Faculty permission]


This course (designed for the MA/MDiv/MTS levels) will trace developments in modern approaches to Christology, from Thomas Aquinas to today. The prerequisite for the class is to have completed ST 2232 (Historical Development of Christology) or its equivalent (work ensuring a fairly comprehensive knowledge of the Patristic/conciliar development of Christology from Ignatius of Antioch through Constantinople III, and of Aquinas’ understanding of the hypostatic union in the framework of his metaphysics of “esse”).