1270/1277 CONDEMNATIONS (PHST-4213)


Course Memo

In 1270 and again in 1277, Bishop Stephen Tempier promulgated a list of condemned theses. This course will investigate the content of the theses, their philosophical and theological ramifications, and the likely targets of the condemnations. In particular, we will investigate whether any of these condemned theses are to be found in the writings of Thomas Aquinas or his contemporaries, and which ones seem to be targeting Aristotle or Islamic philosophers. Some of the Latin texts have not been translated into English; therefore reading knowledge of Latin is strongly encouraged. Seminar-style course. Evaluation: participation, 1-2 seminar presentations, 15-20 page research paper. Intended audience: MaPh; MaTh, MDiv. [Faculty Consent required; 12 max enrollment; Auditors with faculty permission]