
Course Memo


This course (designed for the M.A./M.Div./M.T.S. levels) will consider the fundamental principles of moral theology (the teleological drive for happiness and perfection, the moral virtues, freedom and voluntariness, natural law, prudence, the determinants of the moral act, moral "objectivity" and intentionality) from the perspective of the Roman Catholic tradition, particularly in the lineage of Aquinas. We will also examine in some detail the contemporary debate over the nature and importance of the "indirectly voluntary.” Students should be prepared to engage in disciplined and critical reading and thinking in the Aristotelian/Thomist tradition, and be willing and able to synthesize a large amount of sometimes complex and difficult material; this is not an easy course. The format is lecture, with opportunity for questions and discussion; students will be required to write a book review and take an in-class final examination. Class attendance is required. [10 max enrollment; Auditors excluded]


This seminar course introduces the student to the foundations and various developments in Catholic Moral Theology through exploring the many theological avenues taken by Catholic moral theologians on core considerations such as scriptural foundations, conversion and discipleship, the role of the Magisterium, law and grace, conscience, the moral act, sin, and virtue in forming a moral theology. It will focus on the importance of character development, specifically Aquinas’ teaching on natural law and virtue. The course explores various the developments in moral theology, perspectives of Catholic moral theologians, which will include analyzing seminal texts and current trends and concerns that have impacted contemporary Catholic moral theology. Weekly essays, a mid-term and final paper will be required. The course is design for those pursuing MA in Theology and MDiv. [15 max enrollment; Auditors Excluded]